1. Marginal Utility Analysis –Marshall – 1890
2. Revealed Preference Theory – Samuelson – 1938
3. Indifference Curve Theory – Hicks and Allen – 1934
4. Neumann – Morgenstern Approach – 1944
5. Friedman – Savage Hypothesis – Friedman and Savage- 1948
1. Cournot Duopoly Model – Cournot – 1838
2. Edgeworth Oligopoly Model – Edgeworth – 1881
3. Bertrand’s Duopoly Model – Bertrand – 1883
4. Imperfect Competition – Joan Robinson - 1933
5. Monopolistic Competition – Chamberlin – 1933
6. Stackelberg’s Duopoly Model – Heinrich Von Stackelberg – 1934
7. Kinked Demand Curve – Paul M Sweezy - 1939
8. Game Theory – Neumann and Morgenstern – 1944
Welfare Criterion
1. Social Welfare Function – Bergson, Samuelson - 1938
2. Impossibility Theorem – Arrow– 1951
3. Theory of Second Best – Richard Lipsey and Kelvin Lancaster-1956
4. Coase Theorem – Ronald Coase - 1959
5. Asymmetric Information - George Akerlof, Michael Spence, and Joseph E. Stiglitz – 2001
1. Ricardian Theory of Rent – Ricardo – 1810
2. Modern Theory of Rent – Joan Robinson -
3. Quasi- Rent – Marshall
1. Dynamic Theory of Profit – J.B.Clark – 1900
2. Rent Theory of Profit – F.A. Walker –
3. Risk Theory of Profit – H.B. Hawley – 1907
4. Innovation Theory of Profit – Joseph A Schumpeter – 1934
Macro Economics (Consumption Function)
1. Absolute Income Hypothesis – Keynes – 1936
2. Relative Income Hypothesis – Duesenberry – 1949
3. Life Cycle Hypothesis – Ando, Modigliani – 1950
4. Permanent Income Hypothesis – Friedman – 1957
1. Keynes Effect – Keynes – 1936
2. Pigou Effect – A. C. Pigou – 1943
3. Real Balance Effect - Patinkin- 1956
Multiplier and Acceleration
1. Accelerator – J.M. Clark -1917
2. Multiplier – R.F. Khan – 1931
Demand for Money
1. Classical Theory – 1911
2. Keynesian Theory – Keynes - 1936
3. Inventory Approach – Baumol -1950
4. Restatement of Quantity Theory – Friedman – 1956
5. Port-folio Approach – Tobin – 1969
Quantity Theory of Money
1. Cash Transaction Approach – Fisher – 1911
2. Cash Balance Approach- Cambridge economists –
A.C.Pigou (1917), Alfred Marshall (1923), D.H. Robertson (1922), John Maynard Keynes (1923), R.G. Hawtrey and Frederick Lavington (1921, 1922).
3. Reformulated Quantity Theory of Money – Keynes – 1930s
4. Real Balance Effect – Don Patinkin – 1956
1. IS-LM model – Hicks - 1937
2. Monetary Approach to BOP- Hahn - 1959
3. Philips Curve –A. W. H. Phillips - 1958
4. Mundell Fleming Model – Robert Mundell and Marcus Fleming 1960
5. Optimum Currency Area – Robert Mundell – 1960
Development Economics
1. Marxian Theory of Economic Development – Marx – 1867
2. Lorenz Curve – 1905
3. Schumpeterian Theory – Schumpeter – 1911
4. Harrod Model – R.F. Harrod – 1939
5. Big Push Theory – Rosenstein Rodan – 1943
6. Domar Model – 1946
7. Dependency Theory – 1949
8. Balanced Growth – Rosenstein Rodan, Ragnar Nurkse, Arthur Lewis, Scitovsky, and Leibenstein – 1950
9. Unbalanced Growth – Hirschman -1950
10. Vicious Circle of Poverty – Nurkse – 1953
11. Theory of Unlimited Supplies of Labor – W.A. Lewis - 1954
12. Inverted U-hypothesis – 1955
13. Wage –Good Model- Brahmananda and Vakil - 1956
14. The Long-run Growth Model – R.M. Solow- 1956
15. Low Level Equilibrium trap – Nelson – 1956
16. Capital Accumulation Model- Joan Robinson- 1956
17. Critical Minimum Effort Thesis – Leibenstein – 1957
18. Kaldor model – Kaldor – 1957
19. Technical Progress of Kaldor – 1960
20. Kaldor-Mirrles Model – 1962
21. Fei – Rani’s Theory of Developmnet –John Fei and Gustav Rani- 1964
22. Two Gap Model –Hollis Chenery –1966
23. Learning by Doing – Arrow -1980
24. Endogenous Growth Model - 1980
25. Romer Model – 1986
Investment Criterion
1. The Capital Turn Over Criterion – J.J. Polak and N.S. Buchanan – 1943
2. Social Marginal Productivity Criterion –A.E. Khan and Hollis Chenery – 1951
3. The Reinvestment Criterion – Galenson & Leibenstein – 1955
4. Marginal Per Capita Reinvest Criterion - 1955
5. The Time Series Criterion – A.K.Sen - 1957
6. Reinvestment Surplus Coefficient Criterion - 1960
Technical Change
1. Disembodied Technical Change – Abramkovitz – 1956
2. Embodied Technical Change – Solow – 1960
Measurement of Economic Development
1. Per Capita Income Approach – late 1950’s
2. Basic Need Approach by World Bank – 1970’s
3. PQLI – 1979
4. HDI – 1990’s
International Economics
1. Absolute Cost Advantage Theory – Adam Smith – 1776
2. Comparative Cost Advantage theory –Ricardo – 1817
3. Modern Theory of International Trade – Hecksher and Ohlin – 1919
4. Purchasing Power Parity Theory – Gustav Cassel - 1920
5. Opportunity Cost Theory – Gottfried Haberler – 1933
6. Stopler–Samuelson Theory–Wolfgang Stopler & Paul Samuelson -1941
7. Factor Price Equalization Theorem – 1948
8. Metzler Paradox–Lloyd A. Metzler – 1949
9. Secular Deterioration Theorem- Prebisch & Singer - 1950
10. Leontief Paradox–Leontief – 1950
11. Absorption Approach – Sidney Alexander – 1952
12. Rybczynski Theorem- Tadeusz Rybcznski -1955
13. Immiserizing Growth- Jagadish Bhagawati- 1958
14. Reciprocal Dumping Model –Brander & Krugman - 1981
1. Benelux Customs Union – 1947
2. European Coal & Steel Community – 1951
3. Nordic Council – 1955
4. European Atomic Energy Community – 1957
5. Benelux – 1958
6. OPEC -1960
7. EFTA- 1960
8. G77 – 1964
9. ASEAN – 1967
10. SAARC – 1985
11. G 15 – 1989
12. APEC – 1989
13. EU – 1993
14. NAFTA – 1994
15. APTA – 1995
16. G 20 – 1999
17. SAFTA – 2004