Regulatory (Apex) Bodies in the Financial sector in India
🔵🔴🔵🔴RBI (Reserve Bank of India): RBI is the regulator of Banking & Finance & Money Market. ➡RBI was established in April 1935 under Reserve Bank of India, 1934. ➡On the recommendation of Hilton-Young Commission. ➡Central Bank of India which was nationalized in 1949. ➡Central office initial was established in Calcutta and later moved to Mumbai in 1937. ➡Official Directors- Governors and not more than four deputy governors. ➡Currently following persons are on following posts- ➡RBI performs his function under the guidance of the Board of financial supervision. ➡Board for Financial Supervision (BFS)- ➡Constituted in November 1994. The Board is constituted by co-opting four Directors from the Central Board and is chaired by the Governor. 🔴Important Acts Administered by RBI- (i) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (ii) Public Debt Act, 1944/Government Securities Act, 2006 (iii) Government Securities Regulations, 2007 (iv) Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (v) Foreign...