
Showing posts from October, 2018


1st introduce "Garivi Hatao Desh Bachao"in 1971during 4th five year plan(1969-74)by Indra Gandhi.her son Rajive Gandhi also used it.again "POVERTY REMOVED " slogan using in 1974 it's more effective because many schemes and programmes  were started so we have to use that this slogan was started in  5th five year Plan(1974-78) but some scheme not functioned properly so it's covered within 6th five year plan(1980-85).finally this slogan was used in 4th,5th and 6th five year plans.

Solow's Model

1. One of them is sollow's equation, change in capital stock ?$k*)-$k C.sf(k*)=$k* D.All of the above✔ 2. Under sollow's model technical progress :- A.f (k,i) B.f (k,L) C.f(k,l×e)✔ D.None 3. What is effective worker ? A.l×i B.l×s C.l×e✔ D.All of the above 4.Technical progress means :- A.sf (k)-($+n+g)✔ B.f (k*)-($+n+g)k* C.Both D.None Some tips for sallow model based problem :- Given: The production function is Y=K1/2L1/2, households save 20% of their income and capital lasts for 20 years.This continues our earlier example. From last time, we found that f(k)=k1/2, s=0.2 and δ=0.05. We also found that the steady-state capital stock level was k=16. At k=16, we found that y=f(k)=4, c=3.2 and i=0.8. 1. Calculate c* (consumption in the steady-state) for k*=90, 100, and 110. (recall that in the steady-state, sf(k)=δk, so c*=f(k)-δk) c=4.99, 5.00, 4.99 for k*=90, 100, and 110 respectively 2. For the above production fu...

International Trade

1. Consider the following statements and identify the right ones. i. IMF came into existence as an outcome on Bretton Woods agreement ii. France was the 1st country to borrow from IMF a. I only b. ii only c. both d. none ANSWER: c. both 2. Consider the following statements and identify the right ones. i. The executive board is the highest decision making body of IMF ii. The Board of Governors meets twice a year. a. I only b. ii only c. both d. none ANSWER: d. none 3. Consider the following statements and identify the right ones. i. Executive board conducts the business of the IMF ii. It meets once in a year a. i only b. ii only c. both d. none ANSWER: a. I only 4. Consider the following statements and identify the right ones. i. The day to day work of IMF is conducted by the board of governors ii. Selected nations who are members of IMF are given a quota a. i only b. ii only c. both d. none ANSWER: b. ii only 5. Conside...

Special MCQs

■गरीबी हटाओ का नारा किस पंचवर्षीय योजना के अंतर्गत दिया गया था?उत्तर: - पांचवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना, ■अंतरराष्ट्रीय श्रम संगठन का मुख्यालय कहां है? उत्तर: - जेनेवा, ■ओपेक का मुख्यालय कहां है?उत्तर: - वियना में, ■अखिल भारतीय खादी ग्रामोद्योग आयोग की स्थापना कब की गई थी?उत्तर: - 1957 ई. में, ■अक्सर अखबारों में बैंक की CASA जमाओं के बारे में लिखा रहता है। CASA जमाएं है?उत्तर: - मांग जमाएं, ■जिस बाजार में स्टॉक जैसी दीर्घावधि प्रतिभूतियां खरीदी और बेची जाती हैं, उसे सामान्यतः कहते है? उत्तर: - पूंजी बाजार, ■मुख्यतः आवास ऋण का संबंध जिस बैंक से है वह है? उत्तर: - HDFC, ■बैंकों में ग्राहक सेवा सुधारने के लिए सुझाव देने के लिए जो समिति गठित की गई थी? उत्तर: - गोइपोरिया समिति, ■कमजोर बैंकों की पुनर्संरचना हेतु सिफारिश देने के लिए गठित की गई समिति है?उत्तर: - वर्मा समिति, ■भारत में कार्यरत निजी क्षेत्र का सबसे बड़ा बैंक है? उत्तर: - आईसीआईसीआई बैंक, ■किस समिति के आधार पर नॉबार्ड को स्थापित किया गया था?उत्तर: - शिवरमन समिति, ■बैंकिंग क...

Inflation and Currency

                            (1) A cause of inflation is : [A] increase in money supply [B] increase in money supply and fall in production [C] fall of production [D] decrease in money supply and fall in production Answer: Option [B] (2) Inflation brings most benefit to which one of the following ? [A] Government pensioners [B] Creditors [C] Savings Bank Account holders [D] Debtors Answer: Option [D] (3) Inflation is mostly harmful to which one of the following ? [A] Debtors [B] Creditors [C] Business class [D] Holder of real assets Answer: Option [B] (4) Which is correct with respect to inflation ? [A] rise in budgets deficit [B] rise in money supply [C] rise in general price index [D] rise in prices of consumer goods Answer: Option [B] (5) Increasing unemployment and inflation is a situation of : [A] hyperinflation [B] galloping inflation [C] stagflation [D] reflation Answer: Opt...


GST is the value added tax levied on most goods and services sold for domestic consumption. In India, GST is covered about all the indirect taxes which will merge into single tax. GST was introduced as 101 Amendment Act. Goods and Services Tax is governed by the GST Council chaired by Union Finance Minister. GST Council :The mechanism of the GST Council would ensure harmonization on different aspects of GST between the Centre and the States as well as among states. The GST Council shall establish to adjudicate disputes arising out of its recommendation or implementation thereof.   The GST Council is headed by Union Finance Minister and 5 members. The members are the state finance ministers. Features of GST : 1) Destination  Based Consumption Tax : GST would be a destination based consumption tax. This means that tax would accrue to the State or the Union Territory where consumption takes place. It would be a dual GST with the centre and states simultaneously levying ta...


A cheque is a negotiable instrument that is used for payments and settlements in India. It is an agreement between two organizations to make payments. Following are the types of the cheque: 1. Bearer Cheque - A cheque which is payable to any person who present it for payment at the bank counter. Such cheques are risky as in case it lost, the finder may collect the payment from the bank. 2. Open/ Uncrossed Cheque - The cheque which is not crossed is known as Open Cheque or Uncrossed Cheque. The payment of such cheques can be obtained on the counter of the bank. 3. Crossed Cheque - Crossing of cheque means drawing two parallel lines on the face of cheque. It cannot be encashed at the cash counter of the bank but it can only credited to payee’s account. 4. Anti Dated Cheque - If date mentioned on the cheque is earlier than the date it is presented to bank; it is called anti dated cheque. Anti Dated Cheque is valid up to 3 months. Earlier it was 6 months but now it reduced to 3 mo...


#CRISIL (Credit Rating and Information Services of India Ltd.) India’s first credit rating agency. Founded:1987 Headquarter: Mumbai CEO: Ashu Sayush #ICRA (Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency) It is an Indian independent and professional investment information agency. Founded: 1991 Headquarter: Gurugram CEO: Naresh Takkar #CARE (Credit Analysis & Research Ltd.) It is second largest credit rating agency in India. Founded:1993 Headquarter: Mumbai #Onicra :-Credit Information Company Ltd It is a private sector agency set up by Onida finance. Established :1993 Headquarter : Gurugram #CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. India’s first credit information company. Founded :2000 Headquarter: Mumbai Head: Satish Pillai #SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) SEBI is a regulator of India’s securities market. Established: 1988 Act:-1992 Headquarter: Mumbai Chairman: Ajay Tyagi #IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authorit...